Next: Abandon Myself to God's
Previous: Have Confidence to Receive
Happy is he-- Pr16,20
who trusts in the Lord.
Rejoice in hope.-- Rm12,12a
Look to Him-- Ps34,6a
that you may be radiant
with joy.
I shall be satisfied-- Ps17,15
when Thy glory shall appear.
Rejoice, o hearts-- Ps105,3
that seek the Lord!
Rejoice in the Lord always!-- Ph4,4
God loves a cheerful giver.-- 2Co9,7
Thou art my glory-- Imit.3,5;3,50
and the joy of my heart.
Thou alone art true joy,
Thou my hope and my crown,
Thou my gladness
and my honour,
O Lord.
For the Kingdom of God ...-- Rm14,17
is justice and peace
and joy in the Holy Ghost.
There is a stream-- Ps46,5
whose runlets
gladden the city of God.
That My joy-- Jn15,11b
may be yours
and your joy
may be complete.