Mystical Symphony

Soli Deo Gloria
To the only God be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.
(Tim 1,17)


Credidimus Caritati
We have put out faith in the love God has for us.
(1Jn 4,16)

Journey into the hidden and forgotten world within us — So that we shall have peace in HIM

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Give Myself without Reserve

``For our God is a consuming fire.''

-- Heb2,29

You shall love
the Lord your God
with all your heart,
with all your soul,
and with all your mind.
-- Mt22,37

Once the hand is laid on the plough,
no one who looks back
is fit for the Kingdom of God.
-- Lk9,62

So because you are lukewarm,
neither hot nor cold,
I will spit you out of My mouth!
-- Rv3,16

Love is strong as death.
-- Sg8,6

My soul melted when He spoke.
-- Sg5,6

For our God
is a consuming fire.
-- Heb12,29

The fire never says:
It is enough.
-- Pr30,16

I desire
to offer myself up to Thee
as a voluntary oblation,
and to remain forever Thine.
-- Imit4,9,1

What am I to do Lord?
-- Ac22,10

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Georg Loczewski 2009-02-18