Mystical Symphony

Soli Deo Gloria
To the only God be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.
(Tim 1,17)


Credidimus Caritati
We have put out faith in the love God has for us.
(1Jn 4,16)

Journey into the hidden and forgotten world within us — So that we shall have peace in HIM

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Immutability: God Does Not Change

``With Him there is no such thing as alteration, no shadow caused by change.''

-- Jm1,17b

All that is good, all that is perfect,
is given us from above;
it comes down from the Father of all light;
with Him there is no such thing as alteration,
no shadow caused by change.
-- Jm1,17

Long ago You laid earth's foundations,
the heavens are the work of Your hands.
They pass away
but You remain;
they all wear out like a garment,
like outworn clothes You change them,
but You never alter,
and Your years never end.
-- Ps102,25b-28

No; I Yahweh, do not change.
-- Ml3,6

But the plan of the Lord stands forever;
the design of His heart, through all generations.
-- Ps33,11

Although She is alone,
She can do everything;
Herself unchanging,
She renews the world.
-- Ws7,25-27a

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Georg Loczewski 2009-02-18