Mystical Symphony

Soli Deo Gloria
To the only God be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.
(Tim 1,17)


Credidimus Caritati
We have put out faith in the love God has for us.
(1Jn 4,16)

Journey into the hidden and forgotten world within us — So that we shall have peace in HIM

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Only Access to God through Faith

``It is impossible to please God without faith.''

-- Heb11,6

No human being
can see Me
and survive.
-- Ex33,20

Do not let God speak to us
or we shall die.
-- Ex20,19

He that cometh to God
must believe.
-- Heb11,6

I will espouse thee to Me in faith.
-- Ho2,22

is the proximate
and proportionate
means to the intellect
for the attainment
of the divine union of love.
-- As2,9

For however impressive may be
one's knowledge
or feeling of God
that knowledge or feeling
will have no resemblance to God
and amount to very little.
-- As2,4,3

A man, then, is decidedly hindered
from the attainment of this high state
of union with God
when he is attached to any understanding,
feeling, imagining, opinion, desire or way of his own,
or to any other of his works or affairs,
and knows not
how to detach and denude himself of these impediments.
-- As2,4,4

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Georg Loczewski 2009-02-18