Mystical Symphony

Soli Deo Gloria
To the only God be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.
(Tim 1,17)


Credidimus Caritati
We have put out faith in the love God has for us.
(1Jn 4,16)

Journey into the hidden and forgotten world within us — So that we shall have peace in HIM

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In Jesus God Has Given Me Everything I Need

Hath He not also,
with Him,
given us all things?
-- Rm8,32

I have come
that they may have life
and have it to the full.
-- Jn10,10

In whom are hidden
all the treasures
of wisdom and knowledge.
-- Col2,3

In Him,
in bodily form,
lives divinity
in all its fullness,
and in Him
you too find your own fulfillment.
-- Col2,9

This is my beloved Son
in whom I am well pleased.
Listen to Him.
-- Mt17,5

In times past,
God spoke in fragmentary and varied ways
to our fathers through the prophets,
in this the final age,
He has spoken to us through His Son
whom He has made the heir of all things
and through whom He first created the universe.
This Son is the reflection
of the Father's glory,
the exact representation of the Father's being,
and He sustains all things by His powerful word.
-- Heb1,1-3a

Gladly therefore I will glory
in my infirmities,
that the power of Christ
may dwell in me.
-- 2Co12,9

Fasten your eyes
on Him alone,
because in Him
I have spoken and revealed all
and in Him
you shall discover even more
than you ask for or desire.
-- As2,22,5,3

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Georg Loczewski 2009-02-18